When recruiting a large number, you have a need to create a landing page to introduce the company, the vacancy and also need more information content questions of the candidate. You need a landing page to do it professionally.
Tell you how to use Quiz.ASHAVI.COM to create a popular job posting website, recruiting in bulk without any cost, no need to write code, and no need to have a lot of website design skills.
With just a few basic steps, you can completely create a recruitment website easily.
First, you need to register an account at the website: https://quiz.ashavi.com here:
After completing the account registration step, you will create a new Project by clicking the "Create new project" button.
Next, you will go to the main page to create the questionnaire.
In the Introduction section, you start drafting the content of the landing page:

You can use the toolbar to set up the job posting page, insert photos, and relevant content.
You can press "Preview" to see what your design will look like.
Next, you can create a few questions to screen candidates, ask candidates to send CVs to this page so that you can read their CVs using the question types available on the ASHAVI site.

In this list of questions, you should pay attention to the following types of questions:
Next, you can customize the layout of the landing page by adding your company logo, and adjusting the colors to suit your company.

And the last step is to get the URL to enter your Facebook or Youtube posts via "Launch" / "Launch"

You can get this link to enter your job advertisement posts in Facebook or website.
Try using Quiz ASHAVI in creating a landing page for recruitment. Good luck.