Insert Answer allows the fields of information answered in the previous question to be added to the content of the following question:
How to create a question for the above example
Question Q1 create a Single Choice question
Built question 2
(1) Add the content of the question 2, click the mouse to the position where you need to add the answer of question Q1
(2) Click the button (…) to appear the function Inserted answer
(3) All the previous questions will be listed here, click on the question you want to add the answer to
Question Q2
Click “Preview”
How to create a question for the above example
Question Q1 create a Multiple Choice question
Built Q2 question, rating star grid
(1) Rank the rating scale according to the question
(2) Add option for column
(3) Row option, click insert answer to display the list of previous questions
(4) Select the answer of the previous question to display in the optional sentence of the following sentence
After built, Q2 look like below